Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Kamala Harris

The veil is lifting on the 2020 election and the new favorite of the national press is Kamala Harris. She is intelligent, attractive and most important likable. She is the new Obama. Like Obama she is a two year senator with little national exposure. She is multiracial having a Black father and an Asian mother which means she will be referred to as Black. She is expected to not only gather the Black vote but to bring out the Black voters like Obama did. She will get the young vote by offering tuition free college and in some cases student loan debt forgiveness. She will get the Obamacare votes by offering medicare for all. She will get the Hispanic vote by reorganizing the Border Patrol and ICE. If she is elected the democrats will probably pick up two seats in the senate and then using the nuclear option get rid of the filibuster thus opening the door for new social programs to aid the lower income groups. These will be paid for by reducing defense spending and raising income taxes on the rich and may even include a wealth tax. Within weeks after the election Justice Ginsberg will retire and within a year Justice Breyer will retire and both will be replaced with younger liberals. As the Chinese see her rise in popularity they will postpone any real changes in the trade imbalance and hope that Trump is defeated. If she becomes president things will revert back to the way they were under Obama and the establishment will have regained their lost power. The only fly in the ointment is the rise in socialism which may upset independent voters otherwise we will be singing the FDR refrain of happy days are here again

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