Tuesday, January 15, 2019

News cheerleaders

The towns people complained about the safety of a certain street corner and nothing was done. One day a serious accident happened and someone died. Shortly afterwards a stop light was installed. If we have a bomb go off at an airport because the TSA people are staying home then the wall will be gone and the government will reopen. If a terrorist comes across the southern border and blows up a mall then the wall will be built. Governments tend to be reactive and not proactive. In either case congress would hold meetings to determine whom to blame and rest assured it would not be them. People that used to be for the wall are against it and some who were against the wall are now for it. One party says the other party could have fixed the problem when they were in charge but both neglect to mention that neither party had 60 votes in the senate. Some news stations emphasize the problems of the government employees who are not getting paid and other stations emphasize the problems with the caravans and borders. When the supposedly neutral news people have taken sides we have replaced the protection of the free press with cheerleaders.

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