Friday, January 11, 2019

Fed regs

Over the years congress has conceded power to the Executive branch and this trend will continue if Trump uses military funds to build the wall. Recall that the founders were afraid of the power of the king and wanted to limit the power of the president. Originally the federal government could raise armies, make treaties, coin money and regulate trade with foreign countries. All other powers to be given to the states. Not satisfied with that the founders then added the Bill of Rights to further protect the people from the federal government. These included freedom of speech, of the press, of religion, of assembly, of illegal searches and the right to a jury trial. They topped it off with the right to own property and vote. Today things are turned up side down with bureaucrats controlling the lives of people. During the Obama years alone 20,642 new regs were added costing $22 billion per year. These are all enforced by non elected federal employees. Remember when people were upset in 1973 when the government put in the 55 mph speed limit. How times have changed.

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