Saturday, January 12, 2019

Share the wealth

The dictionary says that socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Marx said "from each according to his means to each according to his needs". Three cheers for Bill de Blasio , Mayor of New York who said yesterday that there is plenty of money in the city to take care of everyone. Mr. Mayor was not talking about just raising taxes, not just about income but wealth. Now were looking at a significant increase in money for most Americans. The total wealth (assets minus liabilities) of the United States is about $100 trillion dollars. If you divide that by 330 million Americans each person gets $300,000. Now were cookin! John and Mary and their two kids get $1.2 million which is 20 years of salary up front. I say what are we waiting for? At age 81, I figure I got 19 years left and that gives me about 15 grand a year for fun money plus another 15 grand for my wife. I can see those white sandy beaches now.

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