Sunday, January 27, 2019

Tax money for the poor

As the various democratic candidates for president announce, they bring with them tax and spend plans and most involve taxing the rich and some will send money directly to the people which is better than having the government keep it and then decide who gets what. Since it would take republican votes to pass any tax plan most of this talk is for the primary election. Once a candidate is chosen then all of this will either go away or be toned down. The press knows this but it creates great news stories so they hype it up. Most of these plans do not include any additional taxes on those proposing the plan. Two candidates have come out with a plan to send $500 per month to certain low income people. Most of these people are already dependent on government and this will increase their dependency. When people realize they can get money for their votes they will tend to go in that direction which is what most people already do. That is why we have lobbyist for most groups but not for the poor. These people running for office see themselves as lobbyist for the poor which adds a little altruism to their candidacy. They feel it is honorable to take from the haves and give to the have nots.

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