Tuesday, January 19, 2021

2016 election

The unsettling of Americans that led to the election of Trump was caused by the movement of manufacturing jobs overseas and the growing disparities in income distribution that occurred over a 30 year period leading up to the election. The blue color working people saw their wages decline and wanted change but when they rose up others saw them as racist so the battle lines were drawn. On one side people formed groups based on identity politics and the other side based on jobs. This is one reason why liberal programs seem to put jobs behind public assistance and conservative programs are about jobs. When it comes to jobs the Biden plan includes government money to finance infrastructure and government money to finance solar panels and wind mills. This is reminiscent of the WPA under FDR. Both were paid for by deficit financing. The interstate program under Eisenhower was a public works plan but it was paid for by a gas tax. Those pushing for the new green deal have yet to face the environmental impact of mining for rare earth metals. To paraphrase the Music Man, they are either unaware of the disaster or they are closing their eyes to a situation they do not wish to acknowledge

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