Sunday, January 17, 2021


Senator Lindsey Graham released classified documents which indicate that FBI agents Strzok, Comey and McCabe all agree that had they known then what they know now they would not have allowed the FISA court to issue warrants to listen in on Carter Page's phone calls. This brings to mind the fruit of the poisonous tree metaphor which states that evidence gathered by illegal means cannot be used. Once they listened in on Page they were allowed to listen in on anyone who talked with Page which means they could and did listen in on many in the Trump administration. This led Mueller down many blind allies and to conclude that there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians. The whole two year investigation which dominated the news and cost $32 million dollars came to nothing and all because of an illegal warrant. They used the Steele dossier to get the warrants. This was information put together from an opposition research report developed by the Clinton election group. The information was later declared unverifiable. The real damage comes from the fact that when you investigate for two years it no longer matters whether any crime was committed because the damage is done just by the investigation.

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