Wednesday, January 13, 2021


Bill Gates was 13 years old when the mothers club at the local high school purchased a teletype that connected over the phone lines with a time share computer. He spent all of his free time playing around on this set up. Later he dropped out of college and in 1975 with a life long friend who was also a drop out, they founded Microsoft. Today the company employs 166,000 which includes 3 billionaires and 12,000 millionaires. The average starting median pay is $91,500. He was the first of many techies to follow who created new businesses and became wealthy in the process. This is only one of the many ways that America is exceptional. All around the world today are examples of how this exceptionalism has made life better for millions. It is not limited to technology but includes culture and entertainment. Literally a billion people have moved out of poverty primarily because of American ingenuity.

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