Saturday, January 30, 2021


Susan Rice says all government agencies will promote equity. “Every agency will place equity at the core of their public engagement, their policy design and delivery,” HUD nominee Marcia Fudge says she wants to make housing available for everyone.“From my own perspective, the difference is one just means you treat everybody the same. Sometimes the same is not equitable,” Fudge said. “Equity means making the playing field level. … The same is not always fair.” Both of these ladies are talking about equal results. Will this mean that everyone who wants a home loan will have one. That was tried and the result was the 2008 mortgage crisis and the poorest people were hurt the worst. Many of them have still not recovered. Will free housing follow free health care and free college. Will guaranteed income be next. Congressman Tim Ryan has proposed $2,000 per month every month until the pandemic is over. Once people start receiving a monthly check it will not be easy to stop. Will taking assets from the rich by force be needed to pay. Remember the wealth tax. What about equity in other areas. Will it be necessary to get rid of winners and losers to achieve equity. Should everyone who works a forty hour week receive the same pay. The road toward equity is filled with unintended consequences.

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