Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Tesla made its first profit in the first quarter of 2020. It survives on regulatory credits. When auto companies achieve low carbon emissions they can sell carbon credits to other auto companies. These credits amounted to $594 million in 2019, $419 million in 2018 and $360 million in 2017. As other auto makers come on line with electric vehicles they need to buy fewer carbon credits so this hay day for Tesla will be running out and some experts question Tesla's ability to stay alive without these credits. Elon Musk saw right from the start how he could make money by way of government rules on carbon sales. Tesla's stock increased 87% in 2020 and the company is now more valuable than GM, Ford and Chrysler combined even though Tesla sold only half million cars while the other companies sold 10 million. The government set up these rules to promote electric cars and the plan is working.

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