Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Trump shut down the economy when the virus hit and then set up plans to reopen as safety permitted. This is the tight rope that each community has to walk. Now everyone agrees this is the way to go. Trump wanted schools open ASAP and now that is what everyone wants but doing so in a safe way. Not much has changed. Trump wanted the vaccine ASAP and that is what everyone wants. Trump sent vaccines to the states and they are responsible to get that into the arms. This is best since each state has a different situation. Some states like Florida have vaccinated almost half of the people but California is only at 25%. South Dakota is at 57% because they allowed medical facilities to deliver the vaccine. West Virginia is at 69% as they vaccinated older people and health care workers and front line workers all at once. All of these different ways of doing things can be evaluated and learned from so the next time things will run smoother. More cooperation and less finger pointing would help the cause.

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