Friday, January 22, 2021

One party control

When Harry Reid got rid of the filibuster to nominate a few judges he opened the door for Trump to nominate three supreme court justices. Now the senate is considering removing the filibuster completely and this would open the door to swinging back and forth depending on which party is in control. For example it takes only a simple majority to remove the filibuster and the democrats have that with the VP vote. Next they could increase the number of justices to 12 and add three liberal justices all with a simple majority. If the republicans gain control of the house and senate and white house they could then add three more conservative justices. This would severely weaken one of the three branches of government as set up in the constitution. Historically this would be an advantage to the democrats because since 1933 the democrats controlled all three (house, senate and White House) 34 years and the republicans 6 years. California is a good example of what happens when one party controls everything. There the population was growing rapidly since 1950 but it has declined the past two years. California has the highest state tax rate at 13.3% and the highest sales tax at 7.25%. The top one percent in the state earn 24% of the income and pay 48% of the taxes. In recent years companies are leaving the state because of taxes and regulations. The same thing is happening in New York.

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