Saturday, January 30, 2021


The word cult was often used to describe followers of Trump. Webster says a cult is a system of veneration and devotion toward a particular figure or a small group of people having beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. While this was not meant to apply to all Trumpers is was sometimes interpreted that way. This same word could be used to describe those who believe in the new green deal. Without looking into the details of what it means to replace fossil fuels with wind and solar they have jumped on the band wagon. They believe that we can just start producing wind mills and solar panels by the millions and shut down the oil and gas industry. They believe that all the people working in these industries will develop the skills needed to move into a new industry. It is mindful of when the auto industry left the rust belt that those workers could move into the high tech business. Major changes in production can occur but it requires a deeper understanding of the business than many people have or even desire to have. Just as the Trumpers were tying to change the way the working people are treated, the greenies are trying to change what working people do. As Ross Perot used to say, the devils in the details.

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