Monday, January 4, 2021

The Press

When the founding fathers finished the constitution they were not satisfied. They felt the citizens needed further protection against an intrusive government and so they added the first ten amendments which became known as the Bill of Rights. They led off with the first amendment that included freedom of the press. The press was to seek out and report the news and for the most part has done a good job but that changed with Trump. Over the past four years the press changed from reporting the news to becoming advocacy groups. Data shows 92% negative reporting on a president for whom half of the country voted. On many instances they were not only negative against Trump but included those who voted for Trump. This led citizens who voted against Trump to criticize those who voted for Trump. Friends turned against friends and families against families. Most of the criticism was about personality and very little about policy. If the press had stayed on policy they would not have drifted so far away from their purpose but they chose personality and some say that was to get ratings. For half of the country the press cannot be trusted. Trump knew the press was against him from the start and fought back but it only made things worse. They saw him as a joke and predicted first he would never run and second he would never win. The Huffington Post said they would put Trump in the entertainment section. The day Trump was inaugurated some in the press announced that the campaign to impeach was underway. They made their beds in those early days and then they slept in them for the next four years.

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