Sunday, January 17, 2021


Last week was historic for two reasons. First a group of several thousand people most of whom were waving flags stormed the capital in attempt to stop the congress from voting to approve the new president. The melee lasted about three hours and by evening congress continued the vote. Some officers were trapped and the crowd assaulted them with improvised weapons (including hockey sticl, crutches, flags, poles, sticks and stolen policy shields. Windows were broken and about 80 police officers were injured and five people were killed. It was reported that Trump was responsible because he talked earlier in the day and said, " We fight like hell and if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore". At the same time Trump said, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard". At this point a second group appeared composed of a few hundred congress people and a few hundred press people. They reported that an attempt was underway to overthrow the government of the United States. The first group failed in the attempt to overthrow the government but the second group succeeded in overthrowing the president of the United States. These things happen when emotions run high. No need to investigate just act. When Obamacare was passed Pelosi said we can find out what is in it after we pass it. In this case we can impeach and then investigate. The objection to Trump's speech was the use of the word fight. This word is often used in college fight songs, fighting evil, fighting disease, fighting for life, fighting prejudice and many more places. It rarely means fight as in physical violence. Three people died from medical emergencies, one officer died of injuries and one women was shot by a police officer. These protesters didn't come with guns to kill they came with flags to protest. It only takes a few renegades to cause the crowd to overreact as we witnessed all last summer. The strategy is to get the police to attack the crowd. The only way to prevent that is to deny permits for protesters and that is against the constitution. When the investigation is complete those who acted in violence will hopefully be arrested although that did not happen in most cases last summer. Some who were arrested were offered bail by elected officials who were sympathetic to the cause. If it only takes a few bad apples in a few thousand protesters to overthrow the strongest government in the world some changes need to be made and quickly.

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