Wednesday, September 1, 2021


The tyranny of extremes is a phrase used today to describe the this or that way of looking at issues. Once a group chooses sides they often find themselves in the position of being on the extreme. The pressure mounts to move to the end on every issue in your group. Many times people end up pushing an idea they deep down don't believe. The answer to most problems is almost always somewhere in the middle. There are times when a particular issue is of such great importance that those who follow it cannot change their position. For years these positions have been in the area of religion but more recently they have moved into politics. This opens the door to the oft used strategy of using religion to push a political ideology. As far as compromise goes take the case of abortion. One side says that the morning after pill is killing a baby because life begins at conception. The other side says it's okay to have an abortion the day before the baby is born because it's a woman right. It is a waste of time to talk to either of these groups so look to the middle. A woman can choose an abortion during the first trimester assuming it is not for some trivial issue like eye color. No abortions during the third trimester unless the physical life of the mother is at risk. In the second trimester each case is evaluated on its merit. A team composed of mom and hopefully dad along with the doctor, social worker, minister and financial adviser get together and come up with a plan. Will those in the middle find a middle ground?

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