Tuesday, September 14, 2021


In social studies today in high school the subject was climate change and here is quote from the text book. Solar does not damage the environment or cause pollution as does the extraction and burning of fossil fuels. Extraction of rare earth metals causes severe damage to the land and water. Many people do not understand the full impact of solar because the issue has not been fully explored by the press. They need to be honest and say that wind and solar cannot replace fossil fuels. They need to say that wind and solar can be an important part of going green but let people know that the answer is using all forms of energy and moving toward thorium power plants. This will not be done as long as the hidden reason behind climate change is to change the social structure. In 2006, a Green New Deal was created by the Green New Deal Task Force as a plan for one hundred percent clean, renewable energy by 2030 utilizing a carbon tax, a jobs guarantee, free college, single-payer healthcare, and a focus on using public programs.

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