Saturday, September 4, 2021

Afghan news

The Media focus has moved away from Afghanistan and onto the latest, things like the hurricane and the Texas abortion law. This will hold for a while but soon reports will be coming out of Afghanistan about terrorist taking revenge on those who helped the Americans and mistreatment of women but all reports will be down played as not being verified. When actual videos from cell phones appear they will be questioned and referred to as just politics. The American people will likely be split along the pro Biden anti Biden groupings. Fox will be the one lonely TV broadcast showing the pics. The recent news from Rueter's about Biden's phone call with the President of Afghanistan is a good example of what to expect. Ever since Reuters broke its news on Tuesday, all of the major networks, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC, have avoided mentioning the controversial phone call, according to Grabien transcripts. 

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