Friday, September 24, 2021


As Black Lives Matter goes the way of Occupy Wall Street some wonder why it got the attention it did. The answer seems to center around diverting attention away from Black homicides to racist cops. During the five year period of 2017 to 2021 one thousand Blacks were killed by police. How did the government react? They defunded the police, got rid of bonding which allowed arrested criminals to go back on the street and they emptied some prisons because of Covid. Black males represent 6% of the population and those between the ages of 15 and 40 are half that number. In spite of that low number, those 3% are responsible for 55% of homicides. To make matters worse 88% of those homicides are Black men killing Black men. In 2019, 13,927 people were murdered and 7,484 (54%) were Black. That year 258 Black men were killed by cops and 25 of these were unarmed. The news was all about the 25 not the 7,484. Since 1980 more than 260,000 Black men have been murdered in the US. The truly sad thing about this is that no one seems to care.

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