Tuesday, September 7, 2021


Some 500 years ago Goethe wrote about his character Faust who made a deal with the devil and that story has been told many times in many different situations and it is being played out in a very real way today. Biden has made a deal with the Taliban. They are currently holding a number of planes with people who want to leave Afghanistan and demanding that the US agree to recognized the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan. The next step will be to force the US to finance the new government and many other demands will follow. These people are being held at the Mazar-e-Sharif airport in an isolated area of the country. Biden could attempt an attack like the Jews did in their successful raid on Entebbe airport and if successful be a hero but then the Taliban would respond by threatening other hostages. Biden is like poor Faust, in for dime in for a dollar.

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