Sunday, September 5, 2021

Football masks

I have been to two schools so far this year and in one they wear mask and the other they don't. I thought this a bit strange but later in the week I watched Super Bowl LV and found it even more strange. First off I don't usually watch games on TV so watching the Super Bowl this late is not as odd as you might think. The strange part was the players faced each other nose to nose on the line of scrimmage, spitting, snorting, coughing, sneezing and yelling after which they go sit on the bench and put on their masks. I did note that as the game wore on a few did away with the masks. Some kept their helmets on instead of putting on the mask. Then I saw on the news the college football games this weekend and thousands of fans all screaming at the top of their lungs and no masks. This sort of exemplified the whole mask situation in general. Some say yes and some say no when it comes to mask. Most of those who wear mask don't follow the proper protocol so one wonders about the efficacy.

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