Saturday, September 25, 2021

Carbon free power

There is solid evidence that CO2 levels are increasing and at the highest levels over the past one million years and this leads to higher global temperatures. These test use ice core samples from Antarctica where they drill down several miles. Certain groups lose credibility by claiming changes that are not backed up by science, for example saying hurricanes are getting more prevalent and more severe. Here is a report from a reliable source. Vecchi Research Group in the Department of Geosciences and Princeton Environmental Institute at Princeton University The team found no clear increase in the number of storms in the Atlantic over that 168-year time frame. ... More surprisingly — even to Vecchi, he says — the data also seem to show no significant increase in hurricane intensity over that time. This type of reporting confuses people and it all started with Al Gore's book. He said he had to exaggerate to get peoples attention and that succeeded. The fact that climate change is being used to promote social change does not help. As long as the emphasis is on replacing fossil fuels with wind and solar the temperatures will continue to rise. The path to solving the problem of climate change involves continuing the replacement of coal power plants with natural gas, moving to natural gas for transportation, replacing all old power plants with thorium nuke plants and starting construction of thorium plants around the world. These plants provide a carbon free safe supply of electric power. China has already started.

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