Thursday, September 16, 2021

Border problems

As August registers as another month with more than 200,000 illegals crossing the border there is little to no news coverage. It is necessary to search under border to find out what is going on. For some time now Fox News has been flying drones over the border and showing large numbers of illegals gathering at various locations along the Texas border. Yesterday they showed 10,000 illegals from Haiti near the border. After seeing that the FAA said they could no longer fly the drone in the area. Some feel this is the government preventing a news agency from reporting the news. Nothing on the main channels about this. It is not only the illegals presenting a problem but the amount of fentenyl has increase dramatically and last year 100,000 people died from drugs. Federal agents in this section of the southern border say they’ve seen a staggering 4,000 percent increase in fentanyl seizures over the last three years. Those busts are not at ports of entry, where most smuggled drugs are typically found. The Border Patrol says the rising amount of fentanyl is being found in the desert – transported by increasingly brazen smugglers who are exploiting stretched federal resources. Add to that the problem of sex trafficking. Criminal organizations reportedly made up to $14 million a day in February by trafficking women, children, and families across the U.S.-Mexico border.

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