Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Test gap

The country has struggled for years with the education gap between white and Asian students in one group and non-white students in another group. NY City has found a way to solve the problem. Equity is coming to schools. Here is the latest from NY City schools. “Recognizing student excellence via honor rolls and class rank can be detrimental to learners who find it more difficult  to reach academic success, often for reasons beyond their control,” the document states. The DOE wants schools to widen recognition to include “contributions to the school or wider community, and demonstrations of social justice and integrity.” Newly released grading guidelines for this school year replace failing grades with needs improvement and course in progress. The next move should be to get rid of national testing and then everyone will feel good. This is known by some detractors of the plan as a race to the bottom. Wonder what would happen if they extended this to sports.

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