Friday, September 10, 2021


Chris Wallace new book about Bin Laden is out and he confirms that water boarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed led to the discovery of a courier which they then followed and he led them to Bin Laden. When this first happened many in government denied using water boarding and said it didn't work. They were concerned of how this made America look. Under the rendition and secret detention program Khalid was sent to the CIA black site at Start Kiejkuty in Poland. He said it was there the most intense interrogation took place. He mentioned the name of the courier but nothing else. Later at another location when he did not know he was being taped he told his fellow prisoners not to mention the courier. This led the CIA to further investigate and that led to the hold up place in Pakistan where he was killed. The Obama administration said they no longer used these intense interrogation methods but they failed to mention that they did not shut down the black sites where outside of the country these things were still going on.

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