Saturday, May 20, 2023

Burb school

While the current talk is reparations, the best way to help Blacks is through better education. Many things have been tried but here is an approach worth considering. First off a typical school district here in the burbs is District 196. There are 29,000 students, 1,900 support staff and 2,100 teachers with an annual budget of $534 million dollars. Build a school campus in the suburbs with the elementary, middle and high school in one large building. The building will be designed for maximum protection of students. Bus transportation will be provided for any inner city student who wants to attend. The buses will pick up students at various schools and transport them to the new school which will be a charter school. The staff will be minimal with a principal, assistant principal, secretary, nurse, food service staff and police officer for each school. Discipline will be strictly enforced. Three strikes and your out. The schools will have the best of equipment and teachers will be paid higher salaries from the staff savings. There will be no shortage of teachers as they will line up to get into such a school. The curriculum will be based on academics. Social studies will cover US History, US Geography and Civics. Four years of math will be offered with two years required. Science will include general science, biology wih chemistry and physics as electives and four years of English (reading and writing). No foreign language and an extensive program of intramural sports, no school teams that travel to other schools. This is a school for serious students who make the choice to come and advanced placement courses will be available. Those who are not serious will be asked to return to their other school. This is the basic idea and experts can build on this and make the needed improvements.

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