Monday, May 1, 2023


College campuses today are rife with battles between the oppressed and the oppressors and in most cases the oppressors are toxic white males. We see how the founding fathers have come under attack but it need not stop there. Nobel Prize winners are 90% white males. The classic musicians like Mozart and Beethoven are 90% white males. The great artist are 90% white males. The claim is that these white males suffer from white privileged can be substantiated by history but all that has changed in America. Women have made enormous gains in the past 50 years and are headed even higher and this is a trend that should be encouraged. This is how they catch up to the men. What is not needed is to bring down the men by subjecting them to criticism for past mistreatment of women. The same can be said for any group that has been oppressed. Bring them up. This is what has been happening and should continue. The unfair treatments of the past can best be overcome by bringing the oppressed people up by offering them opportunities to succeed. One of the great success stories is the education of American women who have now surpassed men in every category. This is the first step in changing the disparities in pay and opportunities in business and government. Correcting the inequities of thousands of years takes time. Efforts should be made to speed up the time but not by degrading men but rather buy opening doors for women.

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