Friday, May 5, 2023


People who are fearful of Trump see his put America first approach as an appeal to nationalism gone awry which in their minds means fascism. Nationalism is support of ones nation to the exclusion of other nations but that is not fascism. Nationalism taken to the extreme was the cause of the many European wars. When you live in a country where everyone is German or everyone is French it is easy for nationalism to get out of hand. When people have the same ancestors and the same culture they begin to think alike and a crowd that thinks alike can be manipulated. Mussolini in Italy used populism to infiltrate the crowds and directed their pride in their country to gain power over them. America is different because of the diversity. They cannot so easily become part of the crowd because while they may have similar political beliefs they are still quite different in other ways. It is like Ronald Reagan said, you can move to France but you will never be a Frenchman, you can move to Germany but you will never be a German but you can move to American and become and American. There have been many populist politicians though out our history but their power was limited by the many faces of Americans. Trump's is just one more populist and his power will be limited by our countries diversity. Elections here are won and lost by narrow margins because of the many different ways people have based on their backgrounds.

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