Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Durham report

I concluded some years ago that the un-elected government officials called the bureaucracy had too much power and could not be controlled. Recently a high ranking IRS employee came forward as a whistle blower to expose what he considered to be unethical and illegal activities in the department. Yesterday the whistle blower's entire team was removed from the suspect investigation. It is next to impossible for a government employee to criticize without being punished and this protects the bureaucrats. Most recently these same bureaucrats have joined forces with the press to add another level of protection. Yesterday the Durham report was released and stated we conclude that the (Justice) Department and FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report The press reported today that as to the Durham report there is no there there. The press is still doing their part.

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