Friday, May 12, 2023


If the Justice Department is doing the biding of the president which some republicans suggest, there is nothing that can be done about it. Did the founding fathers ever consider such a scenario. Once the bureaucracy teams up with the president the only option is impeachment but if Justice refuses to release information or enforce subpoenas congress is stymied. They have no access to the documents that will prove their allegations. To connect the president to a crime is further complicated by plausible deniability. If you are president your staff has a number of ways to protect you, one of which is called plausible deniability. It is a way for the president to receive information without acknowledging. There will be no paper trail, no recorded conversations and nothing in writing. The Attorney General is appointed by the president and the AG heads up the Department of Justice for which the FBI is one part. If the AG is a good buddy of the president as was Eric Holder, who famously said he was Obama's wing man, then the president will not be convicted of any crime nor will he be impeached.

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