Thursday, May 4, 2023

Carbon free

The Inflation Reduction Act set aside $7.5 billion dollars to install 500,000 EV charging stations by 2030. Most of these stations will be in metropolitan areas since that is where most of the cars are. There is no room for solar panels or windmills so the charges will get their power from the local sources which means 60% will be from fossil fuels. Even in rural areas where there is room for panels and mills they will still need back up when the sun goes down and the wind stops. On the Interstates the charges have to be no more than 300 miles apart unless you live in MN where in winter the EV will lose 40% of its range so the charging stations must be every 180 miles. Experts say the US could be 100% clean energy by 2050 but they don't say what the back up power source would be and how would air planes fly. Its as though those things don't really matter. They treat the harm to the planet the same way. Its like only talking about part of the story.

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