Monday, May 15, 2023

Food shortage

To steal a phrase from the "Music Man" to illustrate the lack of understanding of the war in Ukraine. "Friend, either you're closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the presence of war in your community". The war has jeopardized the 20% of the woulds supply of grains and this will lead to severe food shortages especially in Africa. This is the same place where children are mining cobalt for electric car batteries. It is the same country where the west will bury the discarded materials from wind mills and solar panels. There are people here in the US who are well educated and well off financially who constantly express their concern over the poor and down trodden and yet they seem to be oblivious to the damage to the poorest of the poor living in Africa. It is cynical to say but sometimes I think that when these people go to bed at night, the last thought that passes through their head, is how much better off the world would be if there were more people like me.

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