Friday, May 5, 2023


As more people begin to recognize that the solution to global warming is nuclear the next question is what type of nuclear. Should it be uranium or thorium. Thorium is best for seven reasons. First. Thorium is three times more abundant than uranium. Second. One pound of thorium produces as much energy as 35 pounds of uranium. Third. Thorium produces far less waste and the waste is less radioactive and shorter lived. Forth. Thorium reactors can use up stored nuclear waste from existing uranium plants. Fifth. Thorium reactors cannot produce weapons grade by products like plutonium. Sixth. Thorium reactors are small and can be made assembly line style. A typical uranium plant is about 1,000 megawatts but thorium reactors are 300 megawatts so they can be close to the use point. As the need increases additional units can be added. Seventh. Thorium reactors cannot melt down. If the power goes off they automatically shut down. It is called walk away safety because the employees could just all leave and the plant would shut down. The same is true if it heats up the reaction stops.

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