Saturday, May 13, 2023


There are two reasons why the country needs the return of Trump. First off, while Trump and DeSantis policies are similar, Trump is the only one who can handle the bureaucrats and the country needs to clean house in the bureaucracy. These un-elected people have too much power and they are corrupted. Recall power corrupts. Secondly Trump can end the war. He will sit down with NATO leaders and Putin leaving out Zenlenskyy and negotiate. He has the skills to do this and my guess is he will propose that Russia be given the Donbas territory along with an agreement that Ukraine will not be invited to join NATO. Trump will remove the sanctions allowing the Oligarchs to breath easier. In return Putin will go home victorious with his new won land. This will prevent the up coming world famine effecting mostly the countries in Sub Sahara Africa, it will save the European economy by bringing back Russian natural gas. The big victory will the end to killing and destroying. The west will then begin the process of rebuilding Ukraine from the ground up. The big problem is this is two years off and that may be too late to save the German manufacturing base which is the heart of the European economy and many people may starve not this coming year but the next. Countries have enough reserve fertilizer to get through next year. The west depends on the US for leadership and Biden is not able to step up to the plate.

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