Monday, November 7, 2011


I found it interesting that you brought up the Bilderbergs. Many years ago a good friend of mine was active in the John Birch Society and they were big proponents of a conspiracy theory involving the one world government and the Bilderbergs were often mentioned as the leader of this movement. I went with him to a couple of Birch meetings and found them to be too far out for me. The final nail in the coffin for me came when at one meeting a so called scientist was there saying that if a radioactive material did not burn your hand when you held it, it was not dangerous. This was back when they were pushing for more nuke power plants.
The reason I finally drifted away from my friend is that he was like the mayor in a Washington Irving story by the name of Wooter Van Twiller. He was described as someone who conceived of every idea on such a grand scale that he had not room in his head to turn it over and examine both sides. I have always felt that most conspiracy theorist have this problem so I never give them much credibility.

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