Monday, November 7, 2011


It was announced on the news today that ICE sent back 400,000 illegal aliens last year. The report stated that 55% were convicted felons and 1,000 of those were for murder. 55% of 400,000 is 220,000 and 1,000 if those were for murder for a rate of 454 per 100,000
Of the convicted criminals deported last year, 1,119 were convicted of homicide, 5,848 of sexual offenses, 44,653 of drug-related offenses and 35,927 of driving under the influence, according to the Homeland Security figures.
The overall crime rate in the US shows 192 felonies per 100,000 and of that the murder rate is 4 per 100,000. This means that the conviction rate for murder of illegals is more than 100 times greater than the general population. How is that possible? What happens to the 1,119 convicted murderers who are deported?

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