Monday, November 7, 2011


While watching the Wall Street demonstrations I noticed several signs saying we are the 99% meaning that these people represent 99% of the population and the superrich represent the other one percent. Upon more careful inspection, it appears that this group of protestors, actually represent about 1% of the population. Many are students demanding bailouts on their student loans and others are out of work young people who are being paid to be there. This reminds me of the Russian revolution when the Lenin’s adherents called themselves The Bolsheviks, the Russian word for majority even though they were a minority. Most low and middle income people have more productive things to do with their time than to stand around in New York City for a month. Most are at home trying to figure out how to pay the light bill.
I recall a similar situation with the Woodstock people who were most rich kids who lived off their parents. I was at work.

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