Monday, November 7, 2011


At one time in my career I worked in a union plant in Ohio. We had a cafeteria and part of a new contract with the union was that they could run the lunch room and the profits would go to the union. Shortly after this change became effective the employees in the lunch room had their pay cut. I mention this because President Obama has portrayed himself as a champion of the unions but when they negotiated the new contract with GM and Chrysler they put in a no strike clause which in effect pulls the teeth out of the union. Funny how things change, when you find yourself on the other side of the fence. I experienced a similar incident when I lived in Grand Forks. A good friend of mine was the head of the Teamsters for about 30 years and when he retired he ran for and was elected to the office of county commissioner. In this new position he had to negotiate contracts for the county with the county employees who were unionized. He was just at tight with the county money and the companies used to be against the Teamsters.

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