Monday, November 7, 2011

Common sense

I have a theory that ordinary people using their life’s experience and their God given common sense can come to an understanding of complex issues with the same degree of accuracy as the so called experts. I believe that for a number of reasons. First in every complicated modern day issue there are groups of experts who have spent their lives investigating the various aspects of the situation and about equal numbers come down on each side of the issue. You could flip a coin and have the same odds of coming up with the right approach.
Let’s look at some recent examples. President Obama said his health care plan would insure 31 million new people and it would not cost anything. Does your common sense tell you that if you read and understood the 2,100 pages of this bill that you would come to the conclusion that this was an accurate statement? When you hear that there is very little difference between Obama Care and Romney Care but then you find out that Romney’s plan is 75 pages and Obama’s plan is 2,100 pages. Does that sound reasonable to you? When experts tell you that we can solve our debt problem by taxing the rich without making changes to entitlements, does that make sense?
When you evaluate the War on Poverty that started in the 60’s with President Johnson’s Great Society do you see it as a success for the Black community? When you see that single moms increased from 25% to 75%, when inner city crime increased, when drug use increased, when dropout rates increased and we spent trillions, do you see this as something we should continue or do you believe we should try a new approach?
Do you think our schools have improved when the cost per pupil (in constant dollars) has quadrupled and achievement has remained flat, and when the gap between whites and blacks had widened?
This is what we get for listening to experts. Maybe it is time to let common sense take over.

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