Friday, November 11, 2011

Latest on conspiracy

Here is the latest on my theory reviewed below about Iran.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to execute a 1,000-for-1 prisoner exchange last week despite his frequently voiced opposition to such lopsided deals is seen by several Israeli military commentators as an effort to “clear the deck” before possibly undertaking an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

I am normally not into conspiracy theories but I have one. Several months ago after Saudi Arabia gave Israel permission to overfly their territory President Obama reversed an earlier decision and agreed to send 55 buster bunker bombs to Israel. Saudi Arabia wants to encourage Israel to take out Iran’s nuke program which is deep underground. The Israeli planes could not make the round trip to Iran and back unless they could fly over Saudi Arabia. They could not bomb the underground facilities unless they had bunker busters and now they have both.
My theory was that Obama was going to come up with an October surprise just before next year’s election by backing Israel in a strike against Iran’s nuke sites. Now two new bits of information help to confirm my theory. First this Iranian American who was caught in a plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador while he was in the US and the plot was so amateurish that many have doubts that Iran had anything to do with it. Next Obama announced the withdrawal of all troops from Iraq by the end of the year and warned Iran not to intervene in the internal affairs of Iraq. Everyone knows that Iran can hardly wait for the US to leave so they can get into mischief.
Is Obama laying the ground work to justify backing an Israeli strike against Iran? Will he set back the Iranian nuke program and gain the Jewish vote? I must be getting too cynical in my old age.

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