Friday, November 11, 2011

Grand bargain

As the day of reckoning approaches and some in congress are telling the super committee to go big, to go for the grand bargain, I see new faces on TV. These faces belong to congressmen who are normally not on news shows. I don’t know their names but they all say the same thing. They say we need to put politics aside and put the country first which means we put everything on the table. To Democrats that means entitlements and to the Republicans it means taxes. If a Democrat really meant this he would say, Ok I will agree to fix entitlements and we will work on taxes at some later time or if a Republican said Ok I will agree to increase taxes and we will work on entitlements later then they would be credible. They would be statesmen. One way to overcome this dilemma is to go into a room together and both agree to cut entitlements and to raise taxes and come out and make the announcement. This by the way is what Boehner and Obama could have done months ago and we would be on our way to solving the major economic problems we face

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