Monday, November 7, 2011

Fish flour

Back in the 60’s during one of the recurring famines in Africa a man on the east coast came up with an idea for what he called fish flour. He would net fish from the ocean, the kind of fish that are plentiful but not salable since they were too bony. These would be ground up and a solvent added to remove the oil. The water soluble part was then dried and ground into a fine white powder. At that point the oil was added back and the product was a high protein, high calorie flour and two table spoons per day would keep a person alive. He wanted to manufacture this product on a commercial level and use it as an inexpensive form of food for the people who were starving in Africa. His request for a permit was denied. The product contained the entire fish but it was safe since the drying process killed all micro-organism. The government said that since it was not good enough for the people of the United States, they could not allow it to be sold to others. Today the people in Africa are once again starving and we watch daily on the news unable to help. My guess is that those people would gladly eat this type of fish flour.

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