Monday, November 7, 2011


I never know why certain things catch my attention but today the subject of a candidate’s religious beliefs was in the news because Governor Perry suggested the he believes in the biblical explanation of creation. Well surprise, I have an unusual take on this issue. Some years ago I was very interested in particle physics and one of the basic tenets of that subject is the concept of the observer creates the observed. In essence this means that in the sub atomic world you always find what you are looking for where you look. Experiments show that if you and I are both looking for the same particle, we will both find it at the same time in different places. Don’t be alarmed as there is much about particle physics that is contrary to common sense. A further understanding of this strange happening states that without consciousness there is nothing. It is only when there is a conscience mind that we have the material universe that we know. If I were the last living being in the entire cosmos with a conscience mind and I died the entirety of creation would disappear. Let’s examine the reverse of that. At some point in our past according to the theory of evolution humans evolved from some other species. During the process the human brain grew and especially the frontal lobes where our humanness resides but the evolution of the pelvic area of the female had to evolve at the same time to allow the birth canal to pass this larger head. If that dual development occurred some 10,000 years ago then the entire history of the universe came into existence at that instant, the moment that consciousness was born. I bring this up as a possible explanation of events that would bridge the gap between evolution and creation. I am not a religious person but the bible does show some credibility to this idea.
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
The breath of life could well be consciousness

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