Friday, November 29, 2019

Better paying jobs

Words like socialism and communism are tossed around with abandon but what is really going on is the plan to share assets. Karl Marx said, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. That sounds eerily like redistribution of wealth. This would work in a rich country like America but in time it would fail or as Margaret Thatcher said, socialism works great until you run out of the other guys money. The emphasis should be on getting good paying jobs for people so they could pay their own way and not on the government giving things or to quote Bill Clinton, welfare should be a second chance not a way of life. Few things in life will help a mans self esteem like a job that allows him to pay his own way. Few things in life can hurt more than not being able to take care of yourself. People can promote changes to narrow the wealth gap without throwing out the whole system and the best way is to increase wages for the lower income groups. Bringing back manufacturing to America is a good start and fixing the gap in test scores would be a good second step.

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