Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Who is in charge

For over three years some people in the government have felt that Trump was not a legitimate president. Others, including many in the press, saw this as nonsense and it was brushed aside as a conspiracy theory which in time was called the deep state. That all came into question when former CIA Director John McLaughlin not only admitted the deep state was real but said, "thank God for the deep state". In his mind the bureaucrats must make sure the president is acting in a manner that they deem acceptable. The United States has a representative republic type of government which means that the people elect their leaders and these in turn hire the bureaucrats. This is what is meant by government of the people, by the people and for the people. The bureaucracy has now become so powerful that they feel they can decide who should be president. Recently Senator Schumer warned President Trump saying "Intel officials have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you".

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