Monday, November 25, 2019

Defend at all cost

For about ten years after 9/11 I visited a Muslim chat room in an attempt to learn more about Islam and the Middle East. On many occasions the chatters would point out the dark side of America and they would expect me to defend those times but I did not. When they said there are poor people in the richest country in the world, I said they were right. The same for when they pointed out race riots and slavery. I did not feel it necessary to defend these evils because the good side of our country out weighs these times. I see the same thing happening in the US today. Conservatives try to defend everything Trump does and liberals try to defend every new idea by any candidate. There is no one that most people agree with all the time. When the news media finds a person who disagrees with his party, he becomes a hot item and ends up on all the shows. You can get your 15 minutes of fame just by disagreeing when most think you should agree.

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