Friday, November 1, 2019

Bezos and work

The story of an evil billionaire. Jeff Bezsos was born to a 17 year old girl in 1964. She soon divorced and married a Cuban immigrant. Bezos worked at McDonalds while growing up and was gifted with a good brain which he used by attending Princeton and majoring in Engineering. In 1994 at the age of 30 he started an online business selling books. For the first ten years the company had no profits and when it started making money Bezos put it all back into the business. Today Amazon is worth one trillion dollars and employs 700,000 people many of who became rich working for the company. The company went public in 1997 and the stock was selling for $18 per share. Many employees invested at that time and their original investment of $100 is worth $120,000 today. Bezos has breakfast with his children each morning and uses that time to relax and think of new ways to improve his existing business and ideas for new business. He arrives at work at 10 AM and goes home at 5 PM unless out of town. He lives in a multi-million dollar home in Washington DC but the rest of his daily routine is much like millions of others who live in the 9 to 5 rat race. His personal net worth is over $100 billion so he is not working to make more money but to grow the business and make more jobs for more people. The country could use more people like Bezos.

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