Friday, November 15, 2019

Many people were deeply disappointed when Hilary lost the 2016 election and that is understandable. Many democratic politicians were also disappointed and that too is understandable. What is baffling is why career bureaucrats are upset but even more baffling is why the press is upset. The Washington Post the day after the inauguration said, somewhat with tongue in cheek, let the impeachment begin. One explanation is the fact that Trump vowed to drain the swamp and it seemed that he just might try to do that. The non-elected bureaucrats feel that they run the county and have to deal with a new group of inexperienced newcomers about every four years. They often refer to the new administration as the Christmas help. As Trump began to carry out his threat these people rebelled. The same is true of the press. The Washington press corps are experienced reporters who have spent years learning the ins and outs of the system and Trump has upset their apple cart. His tweets are particularly aggravating as the public often gets information as quickly as the press.

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