Thursday, November 7, 2019

Somebody else is the problem

Wages are increasing and the biggest increase of 4% is in the lower income groups. This is while the inflation rate is under 2% and food prices are increasing at 1.5%. Fracking has kept the cost of home heating low as well as the price of gasoline and diesel for owner owned semi drivers. The middle and upper middle income groups are still driving big cars, living in big houses and pouring chemicals on their big lawns and watering the grass everyday so they have to mow twice a week and all the while they are asking the coal miners to lose their jobs and rich people pay more taxes. They want more electronics and solar panels while unaware that they are poisoning the water for millions of Chinese and most are not aware of the benefits of using natural gas for transportation. Here is a wake up call for Americans. The EPA estimates that about a third of all public water is used to water grass. In the US, lawns consume nearly 9 billion gallons of water a day, and our mowers consume 200 million gallons of gas. Add to this the fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides and the cost to the environment to manufacture these chemicals.

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