Sunday, November 17, 2019

Test scores

Minnesota test scores declined for the fifth straight year with students only 54% proficient in math and 58% proficient in reading. Minorities are much worse, in the 25% area. In 2015 No Child Left Behind was replaced by Every Student Succeeds and this is the first graduating class and things have gotten worse. The Minnesota Governor has a plan to place less emphasis on testing and more on graduation rates. Many feel this will result in higher graduation rates but with little to no effect on learning. Even though the current rates show a problem with race where 88% of white students graduate while only 66% of Black students graduate he will go ahead and try to increase rates for all students. Right now there is pressure not to suspend minority students for improper behavior and soon there will be pressure to make sure these students graduate. Once again when politics gets involved things tend to devolve.

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